I have been re-building my magnetic loop control box to make it more user friendly.
I am putting it in a larger box with led's to indicate the magloop in use, 80-30 or 20-10 mtrs
also to indicate high or low tuning.
The circuit is a couple of 555 ic's built on veroboard. The motor will go from dead stop to full speed without stalling. The control of the capacitor on both magloops is exellent, you have rapid tune to get to the part of the band you want and then slow tune to get min SWR.
I'll post more pictures when it is completed. The circuit will run from 3 to 15 volts so is ideal for a good range of motors. The one's used in my magloops are both 12 volt ones from Comodrills in Kent. They are also available from Maplins at a higher cost !!!